Start spreading the news! Although Atlantans almost never get to experience the joys of building snowmen in meadows and all visions of making snow angels are dashed by the realities of Decembers marked by alternating frigid rain and balmy days in the 70s, a new ranking of “Top Ten Winter Wonderlands,” trumpets Atlanta as number one.
The cities in the list published by Homes.com were ranked by traditional events that take place in the metro area during the holiday season. Apparently, sending tiny tots to ride the Pink Pig and gathering around the lighting of the Macy’s Great Tree at Lenox Square make us jolly good fellows.
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s holiday concerts and the annual Children’s Christmas Parade also helped us climb the list above other big metros Boston and Chicago. Despite pouncing on any ranking that puts Atlanta on top, we have to admit that we’d have given honors to Chicago, if for no other reason than its winter wind nicknamed, “The Hawk.”
Top Five Winter Wonderlands
Saranac Lake, New York
Lava Hot Springs, Idaho