How We Rank: Study says Georgia is tenth worst in quality of life

We want a recount when winter hits!

If you’re trying to stay positive on a gray and rainy Monday, this probably isn’t going to help. The financial news and opinion website Wall St. 24/7 recently ranked Georgia as tenth worst state in terms of quality of life. The story was based on data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, including income, education, safety, and accessibility to services. Georgia was dragged down by its low employment rate (64.7 percent—10th lowest), scant household disposable income per capita ($26,426—13th lowest), and a higher homicide rate (5.7—13th highest).

Seven of the ten worst states are in the South, including No. 1 Alabama and No. 2 Mississippi. So obviously, the rankings do not factor college football success in with quality of life and are therefore moot.

View the full list: Wall St. 24/7’s The 10 States With The Worst Quality of Life
