How do you spell “gray?” Georgia wants to know.

Google Trends released a map of the top ”how to spell” searches and ours is pretty reasonable
How to spell gray
Gray? Grey? Ugh.

Photograph by Tinatin1 via Getty Images

Spelling can be tricky, and it’s even more difficult to remember how to spell “pneumonia” and “vacuum” when autocorrect seems to always have your back. (Actually, autocorrect only gets half-credit—it hurts as often as it helps.) But when the word you’re trying to type is so mangled that even your smartphone can’t decipher what you’re trying to say, Google is there to answer your questions. Today, the @GoogleTrends Twitter account released a map of the top searches for “how to spell [blank]” in each state.

In Georgia, apparently, we’re curious how you’re supposed to spell “gray.” This is a pretty reasonable question to pose to Google—while most American kids are taught in school that you spell the hue as “gray,” “grey” is prevalent not only in the U.K., but also shows up frequently in pop culture (50 Shades of Grey) and as a name (it was the 759th most popular name for baby boys born in the United States last year). Everyone has asked themselves “what’s the difference?” at least once, so there’s no shame in this search.

Other states’ top searches: Washington, Michigan, Alabama, and Maine all wanted to know how to spell silent-letter nuisance “pneumonia,” and West Virginia and Connecticut both searched Mary Poppins’s favorite 34-letter word, “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” Five states (California, Ohio, Kentucky, New York, and Minnesota) looked up how to spell “beautiful.”

But a few were a little more surprising. “Tomorrow” is the top search for Arizona and Colorado, and in Hawaii people aren’t sure how to spell “people.”

The most unforgivable? Wisconsin’s top search is for “Wisconsin.” Come on, Wisconsin.

Check out the full map in the tweet below:
