We keep the focus on people, not profits. There are more than 10,000 known rare diseases that affect more than 400 million people worldwide, but only about 6 percent have approved treatments. Odylia Therapeutics is changing those numbers by accelerating the development of treatments for people with rare diseases. The scientific understanding and necessary technologies to treat many genetic causes of disease already exist. However, with a focus on profits, the commercial model used to develop drugs means there is no hope on the horizon for many rare disease patients. Odylia is a nonprofit, leveraging philanthropic support to develop treatments no matter the potential for financial gain—we are in the business of helping patients, not making profits. We aim to improve the quality of life for patients, families, and caregivers, decrease medical costs, prevent lost wages, and reduce the societal costs associated with lost productivity.
Odylia Therapeutics is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working in a traditionally
profit-driven space. Therapies that will change and even save lives rely upon support from the greater community, because without broader philanthropic investment, many rare disease treatments won’t reach the patients who need them. Charitable gifts from a variety of sources—companies, individuals, venture philanthropists, foundations, and families—are needed. Donations will directly fund the development of the next generation of genetic medicines for those that need them most. The potential for financial profit should not limit a person’s access to transformative medicines. Visit odylia.org to learn more about bringing promising new treatments to people living with rare genetic diseases.