Campus Ambassador: Ryan Lewis, Georgia Southern University

Senior, accounting major from Jonesboro
What’s to love about your school?
My favorite thing about Georgia Southern University has to be football season. Go Eagles!

Where’s the best place to hang out?
My favorite place on campus is the Recreation Activity Center. We have great workout equipment, an awesome pool, and great fitness classes. My favorite place off campus is Hackers Golf Park. The new clubhouse now has a bowling alley, a restaurant, and laser tag.

What’s the best class?
Probably business law or financial institutions. Upon completing the financial institutions course, I decided to pursue a career in finance instead of accounting.

What’s the stereotype of the student body? True or false?
The stereotype is a party student. Although students like to have fun, generally speaking we are pretty motivated and high-achieving individuals.

Any advice for applicants?
My advice to new students would be to go to class! It’s easy to get caught up in the fun and lose focus. Have fun and tear this place apart, but remember you are here to get an education. Always, always, always go to class.
