Atlanta International School
Grades pre-K3–12
Total number of students 1,160
Number of high school students 342
Founded 1984, opened 1985
Students of color data NA
Average class size 16
Religious affiliation none
Seniors with National Merit recognition 17%
Grade foreign language first offered pre-K3
Language(s) offered French, German, Latin, Mandarin, Spanish
Lowest tuition for 5-day students $20,647
Annual tuition for grade 12 $23,570
Students receiving financial aid 12%
Class size expands in 6
Uniform no
Bus transportation no
Teacher retention rate 92%
Number of AP courses offered n/a (offers IB program)
Varsity sports basketball, cross-country, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, Ultimate, volleyball
Division GHSA class A
Number of art studios 4
High school theater productions per year 4
High school musical ensembles 5
Annual applications per opening approximately 3