Marist School
Marist School is an independent, Roman Catholic, college-preparatory day school enrolling approximately 1,080 boys and girls in grades seven through twelve.
The mission of Marist School is to form the whole person in the image of Christ through instruction grounded in religious values, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the spirit of the Society of Mary, a religious congregation of priests and brothers founded in France in 1836.
Since 1901, this mission has been advanced through communal pursuit of excellence in academic, religious, extracurricular, leadership, and service programs.
Marist students perform thousands of hours of community service at every grade level, and approximately 87 percent of the student body participates in more than 67 different extracurricular clubs and student organizations. Marist faculty have, on average, 19 years teaching experience, and 85 percent hold advanced degrees in their fields.
Marist School is located in Brookhaven (DeKalb County) on Ashford Dunwoody Road inside I-285.
Learn more about Marist School.
Grades 7–12
Total number of students 1,091
Number of high school students 790
Founded 1901
Students of color 16%
Average class size 18
Religious affiliation Catholic (nondiocesan)
Seniors with National Merit recognition 15%
Grade foreign language first offered 8
Language(s) offered French, German, Latin, Spanish
Annual tuition $17,200
Students receiving financial aid 18%
Class size expands in 9
Uniform yes
Bus transportation limited private service
Teacher retention rate 93%
Number of AP courses offered 21
Students scoring 3+ on AP exams 96%
Varsity sports baseball, basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, wrestling
Division GHSA class AAAA
Number of art studios 5
High school theater productions per year 4–5
High school musical ensembles 22
Annual applications per opening 2.7