Afraid to commit? Peel-off wallpaper is fun for kids or adults

No permission to paint? No problem.

Joni Lay children's room

Photograph by Joni Lay

Living in a rental house didn’t deter design blogger Joni Lay from creating a stylish children’s bedroom. No permission to paint? No problem. Peel-off wallpaper was step one in transforming this cozy nook.

Pink power
Blush velvet blackout curtains from Target—with tassel trim—make early bedtime easier, since they block sunlight when needed.

Stick with it
Angular walls aren’t the easiest to wallpaper (sometimes you have to hang paper from the bottom up, says Lay), but the result adds instant personality. This charming “Puppy Pile” pattern from can be removed and even reused without harming walls.

Spools rule
The Lays’ three oldest girls (they have four total, all under 10) share this room, and each has a Jenny Lind–style bed, which Lay recommends because the rounded, whimsical shape works with any style.

Cheeky chic
Accessories are lighthearted but sophisticated, such as the vintage pennants and “Bonjour” lamp.

Lovely layers
Lively accent rugs from Crate & Barrel hide existing carpet.

Designer Tip: Change out light fixtures while in a rental, then switch back to the originals before moving out. This ceiling fixture from Etsy adds a modern touch. “It makes a kids’ space feel a little bit less juvenile,” says Lay, and can be reused anywhere in another house.

This article appears in our April 2020 issue.
