Tag: 8 Arm
Community Farmers Markets’ inaugural Red Clay Soirée has an impressive food lineup
Community Farmers Markets—a nonprofit network that likely includes at least one of your favorite Atlanta farmers markets—is hosting its inaugural Red Clay Soirée fundraising gala on Friday, November 10. The event will feature chefs from Kimball House, 8 Arm, the General Muir, Rising Sun, El Super Pan, and other favorite Atlanta restaurants.
We might have found Atlanta’s best biscuit, and it’s at 8ARM
For Southerners, the humble biscuit is a foodstuff as hotly debated as barbecue or fried chicken. Ask someone where to get a good biscuit in the Atlanta, and you'll get recommendations with passionate proclamations on the benefits of lard, shortening, or butter. Let me make things easy for you—just go to 8ARM.
Angus Brown and Nhan Le’s 8ARM opens Wednesday. Take a first look at the dinner menu.
There have been a lot of rumors about what to expect from 8ARM, Angus Brown and the Nhan Le’s new restaurant at 710 Ponce de Leon Ave. But Brown himself now says it’s a full-service restaurant with a straightforward menu focused on Japanese-style simplicity.