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The Walking Dead 10x11

The Walking Dead Awards: Ready, aim, feels

Eugene falls head-over-heels for Stephanie, the woman on the other side of the radio; Ezekiel and Carol make up; and Hilltop braces for a battle against Alpha's horde and the Whisperers
The Walking Dead 10 10

The Walking Dead Awards: Your way is not the only way

Mary (a.k.a. Gamma) offers her knowledge to Gabriel and crew in exchange for the possibility of seeing her nephew. Meanwhile, Alpha and Daryl get in a bloody fight.
The Walking Dead 1009

The Walking Dead Awards: Adventures in spelunking 

The season 10B premiere returns to the walker-infested cave where a good chunk of our heroes are stranded. Meanwhile, Negan and Alpha get close. Really close.
The Walking Dead 10 08

The Walking Dead Awards: Don’t follow the leader

Rosita has an awful day as she discovers Dante's true intentions. Meanwhile, Carol continues making stupid decisions, and Michonne faces a tough choice at Oceanside.
The Walking Dead 10 07

The Walking Dead Awards: Not like this

Siddiq continues to struggle with PTSD. Meanwhile, Carol brings the captured Whisperer to Alexandria and discovers that Lydia might be the key to breaking the group's faith in Alpha.
The Walking Dead 10 06

The Walking Dead Awards: Talk too much

In the quippiest episode of the season, Daryl and Carol go on a hunt for Alpha's horde, while Negan continues trying to join the Whisperers, despite the fact that "whisper" was never a word in Negan's vocabulary.
The Walking Dead 10 05

The Walking Dead Awards: The temptation of Negan

Fresh from escaping Alexandria, Negan meets an admirer. Meanwhile, Daryl and Connie get closer.
The Walking Dead 10 04

The Walking Dead Awards: Can’t we all just get along?

Lydia is harassed and threatened by some residents of Alexandria. When Negan tries to help her, things turn ugly, fast.
The Walking Dead 10 04

The Walking Dead Awards: Sleep-deprived

The group gets a summons from Alpha, who knows they've crossed the border into her turf. Meanwhile, Carol starts seeing things, and Aaron and Negan go on an adventure.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 2

The Walking Dead Awards: Alpha, Beta, Gamma

We go back in time 7 years to learn how Alpha and Beta became a dynamic duo and how the newly appointed Gamma earned her title.

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