Imagine you’re working in a Midtown high-rise but dreaming of a chicken kebab lunch from Rumi’s Kitchen, a half hour away in Sandy Springs. Impossible? Maybe not. Southfork is a new delivery service working with local restaurants like Rumi’s, the General Muir, and Southbound to provide lunches to select office buildings in Midtown, downtown, Buckhead, and possibly elsewhere around the metro area. “We’re a spread-out city,” says founder Andy Blechman, who started piloting services in the spring. “There’s an opportunity to give people more lunch options at their fingertips.” Customers will receive an email each weekday morning with the day’s menu. Lunch will arrive before 12:30 and average $12 to $15 (including tax, tip, and delivery). Blechman says Southfork will expand its coverage one office building at a time, depending on demand. Visit to sign up.
This article originally appeared in our August 2015 issue.