An Atlanta designer turns ikat remnants into scrunchies, headbands, and handbags

The Maas by Slightly East line include handwoven silk ikat headbands, colorful scarves, and turbans, along with customizable handbags


Photograph by Cori Carter

Mollie Nitzken’s new accessories company “happened by accident,” she says. During buying trips to Turkey for the rug store where she worked, she fell in love with Central Asian textiles and prints. After launching her own to-the-trade fabric company, Slightly East, she started creating scrunchies from remnants and selling them to friends, eventually offering them on Instagram. “I never knew this would become a company,” Nitzken says. The Atlanta-based designer launched her retail site, Maas by Slightly East, in September and expanded the line to include handwoven silk ikat headbands, colorful scarves, and turbans (from $24 to $78). A customizable handbag line was added in December (from $375). Shoppers can choose from dozens of colors of Spanish leather, 50 different silk patterns, and four different shapes to create their own one-of-a-kind bags.

Maas by Slightly East Tie scrunchie
Tie scrunchie, $46

Photograph by Cori Carter

Maas by Slightly East Scrunchie
Scrunchie, $24

Photograph by Cori Carter

Maas by Slightly East Headband
Headband, $78

Photograph by Cori Carter

This article appears in our January 2020 issue.
