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Tag: blueberries

“Girl, you possess a myriad of health benefits.”

Despite the tiny blueberry's big financial advantage, Georgia has no plans to ditch the peach as one of our state's official symbols. Among other problems, blueberries are awful for objectifying woman.

An outdoor activity that results in blueberry pie

I love picking blueberries. It’s such a summery activity—walking among beautiful shady bushes, snacking on ripe fruit, enjoying the happy chatter of families. And when it’s all over, you’ve got a big bucket of berries to bring home.Apparently, I’m not the only person who enjoys the process, as there are several you-pick blueberry farms within an hour’s drive of Atlanta. There are so many, in fact, that compiling a list is a bit of a task. The list below includes all the places with a 404, 770 or 678 area code that I could confirm were in operation this summer.

Summer Pudding

From "Screen Doors and Sweet Tea" by Martha Hall Foose. In the summer of 1953, my then elementary-school-age mother, Cindy Vaughan, and great aunt, Carrye Vaughan Heard, attended the dedication of a memorial to Casey Jones.

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