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Why you should grow mint in the winter in Georgia

The kudzu of herbs: Why you should grow mint during the winter in Georgia

Winter has driven most plants to death or dormancy, but no Deep South freeze is bad enough to kill mint, the kudzu of herbs—and the gardening slack season is as good a time as any to start growing.
Best of Atlanta Arts and Culture

Best of Atlanta 2020: Arts & Culture

The best of Atlanta's arts and culture in 2020, including best new album, best neighborhood art walk, best online access, best poet, and more.

Fresh Pea and Radish Salad With Feta and Mint

To go with my barbecued chicken at Community Q in Decatur recently, I ordered a simple and different salad side consisting of fresh peas, crumbled feta, and a light olive oil dressing.

Butter Beans with Butter, Mint, and Lime

Along with muscadine grapes, butter beans are among the farmer's market treasures of late summer in Charleston—reason to wake up with gusto to another day of stultifying heat and oxford-soaking humidity.

Spicy Melon Salad with Peanuts and Mint

A simple melon salad takes a refreshingly exotic turn when tossed in a salty, citrusy dressing infused with chilies and mint. I adapted this recipe from Andrea Reusing's "Cooking In the Moment: A Year of Seasonal Recipes."

Spiced Roasted Potatoes With Cilantro-Mint Dressing

These potatoes get a little kick from a blend of Indian spices. Garam masala—a spice mix including coriander (cilantro), cumin, ginger and cloves, among others—is available in many mainstream grocery stores.

Cilantro-Mint Dressing

Serve this sauce over roasted lamb, as a dressing for a salad of spring greens, radishes and red torpedo onions (a springtime farmers market staple), over roasted cauliflower, or with Spiced Roasted Potatoes.

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