Tag: Pat Conroy
Carolina in My Mind
An oyster-cloaked, oak-dense, and moss-draped island off the southernmost tip of South Carolina is soaked with myth, stories, and legends, along with a dash of Gullah black-magic curses meant to keep developers away.
The love story of Cassandra King Conroy and her husband, the late Pat Conroy
Tell Me a Story: My Life with Pat Conroy is Cassandra King Conroy's new memoir about finding love in middle age with Pat Conroy, a literary giant of the South and an Atlanta native who, until then, had led a tumultuous life. Cassandra spoke with us from her home in Beaufort about the 21 years she spent getting to know and love Pat Conroy.
How the Townsend Prize for Fiction, which honors Georgia writers, came to be
James L. Townsend, Atlanta magazine's founding editor, passed away in 1981 after a battle with cancer. At his funeral, several former close associates—including Pat Conroy, Anne Rivers Siddons, and Terry Kay—decided to launch a literary award in his honor. Recent winners inspire us to follow Townsend’s frequent admonition: “Brilliant, dear heart. Write it down. Write it all down.”
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Never-Before-Told Stories About Pat Conroy
In an exclusive video interview, Bernie Schein reminisces about his longtime best friend, Pat Conroy. He'll share even more stories in his forthcoming memoir, Santini's Hero: My Friendship with Pat Conroy.
Known for firing off...
Conroy Country
If you want to know a man, visit a place he loved. For the late novelist Pat Conroy, that place was Beaufort, South Carolina.
The Eternal Protagonist: Remembering Pat Conroy
We had hiked the hills and had had dinner and were drinking wine fit for the occasion. Good vintage, but not extraordinary. The mood was melancholy, as it always was in the comedown from hours of merriment that marked the energy of those blissfully young days. That is when he said it: “Boys, they’re about to make me famous, and I don’t know how to handle it.”
A eulogy for Pat Conroy
Bernie Schein’s eulogy for Pat Conroy, delivered by Schein’s daughter, Maggie, at Conroy’s funeral on March 8, 2016.
Mary Hood’s new book proves again she is one of Georgia’s—and America’s—best writers
Fifty years ago, Mary Hood was sitting in a classroom at Georgia Tech, where she was a graduate physics student, when she encountered the following test question: If it’s raining and a man needs to get to his car, will he get wetter if he runs or if he walks?
What are you doing this weekend? November 15 – 17
We’ve got a few suggestions for things to do to remind yourself that the city really is a great place to be—no matter what our home team thinks.
Farewell to Santini
Pat Conroy has been writing about his family for forty years, but always with a wispy protective veil of literary license. Devoted fans who have relished every fictional breadcrumb while speculating about the depth of the real-life Conroys’ dysfunction have been waiting a long time for his latest book, The Death of Santini.