Tag: Southern Company
Will Georgia’s Plant Vogtle lead to a U.S. renaissance of nuclear energy?
However you look at it, Vogtle represents an expensive gamble—both for the Georgia Power and its customers. But customers aren’t simply paying for a bigger power plant. They’re bankrolling a grand experiment that, if successful, could revive the country’s languishing nuclear power industry and usher in a bright new era of reliable, relatively carbon-free energy.
6. Thomas Fanning
As president and CEO of Atlanta-based Southern Company, Fanning faces delays and cost overruns with two high-profile projects: the Plant Vogtle nuclear facility near Augusta and a coal gasification plant in Mississippi.
National spotlight is on Georgia nukes
If you didn’t think gambling is legal in Georgia, guess again. A multi-billion bet has been made in a little community on the banks of the Savannah River. And—you knew this was coming, right?—it’s been made with your money.