Jim Stacy goes prime time, Atlanta welcomes Old Fourth Distillery, and more bite-sized dining news

The latest stuff to eat and drink in Atlanta
Stacy got his start operating a food truck that serves popular carnival fare.

Photograph by Caroline C. Kilgore

Celebrity chef
Corn dog maven Jim Stacy recently landed his first high-profile television show, Offbeat Eats with Jim Stacy, on the Cooking Channel. In the pilot episode, he hunts down food inspired by monster movies at restaurants in Atlanta, San Diego, and Easthampton, Massachusetts. Previously the host of PBA’s Get Delicious! television series, Stacy—owner of Pallookaville Fine Foods in Avondale Estates, and a former musician and clown—is no stranger to television.

Wine pick: 1999 Porto Kopke Colheita
Fact: Port is the ideal winter sipper. Figs, toasted pecans, and brown butter in a glass. Available at Tower Beer, Wine & Spirits, tower­winespirits.com; $21.99 for 350 milliliters.

Old Fourth Distillery
Brothers Jeff and Craig Moore have opened Atlanta’s first distillery since 1906 along Edgewood Avenue. For now, the Moores are producing only vodka and gin for select retail stores and restaurants, but they hope to expand to whiskey down the road. Tours and tastings are offered on Thursdays. Visit old4th.com to schedule an appointment.
—Evan Mah

Taste of Britain
This little store in Norcross stocks a wide selection of British and Irish teas, biscuits, shortbreads, and the finest imported sweets from hard candy to fruit pastilles. Bakers should pick up black currant preserves and fine lemon curd. Don’t miss cruising through the frozen food section for meat pasties and sausage rolls. 73 South Peachtree Street, Norcross, tasteofbritain.com
—Christiane Lauterbach

This story originally appeared in our January 2015 issue.
