Le Petit Marche plans for a comeback in June

Atlanta Breakfast Club chef and co-owner Anthony Sanders is leading the charge

Le Petit Marche
Le Petit Marche

Photograph by Sam Worley

When homegrown Kirkwood breakfast spot Le Petit Marche closed in March, Atlantans were aghast. But hope was quickly restored when chef Anthony Sanders, co-owner of Atlanta Breakfast Club, purchased the restaurant, promising to keep it intact. This month, Sanders plans to reopen Le Petit Marche with the same quaint decor and a similar menu. However, the new Le Petit Marche will offer table service rather than counter service.

“I was the consultant on Le Petit Marche 14 years ago, and before it closed, [previous owner Marchet Sparks] sent me an email saying she wasn’t going to continue with the business but that it’d be a great place for Atlanta Breakfast Club,” Sanders says. “She loves Kirkwood. She wanted to make sure no one had to change their routine and would still be able to get breakfast and lunch there seven days a week.”

Rather than convert the Le Petit Marche space to an Atlanta Breakfast Club, Sanders decided “the best thing would be to show respect to [Sparks] and her family by keeping it the same,” he says. “I love the decor. It’s perfect. It’s New Orleans meets the South of France meets Atlanta meets Afrogenius.”

The menu will continue to reflect guest favorites, such as oatmeal, French toast sandwiches, panini, and soup; but Sanders says he’ll offer a fresher approach to the salads and beverage menu. Nitro coffee may soon be an option, in addition to libations like mimosas and bellinis.

Breakfast will continue to be available all day, and Sanders may even extend the operating hours to 6 or 7 p.m., depending on demand.
