Israeli dance company Vertigo explores “Reshimo”

A Kabblah concept is expressed through movement
Courtesy of Rialto Center for the Arts
Courtesy of Rialto Center for the Arts

Some life events surprise us; like explosions, they leave tremendous impressions. Other episodes fall into repetitive patterns—less dramatic but equally memorable in aggregate. Kabbalah practitioners define recollections—big or small—as “reshimo,” a resurfacing of memories akin to the images frozen in your mind’s eye the instant the lights are shut off. Vertigo, a contemporary dance company based in Jerusalem, explores the concept in a new repertoire piece that incorporates variations on repeated phrases, steps done in unison, and movement between partners—echoing life’s strange mix of surprise and the mundane.

Reshimo, October 18, Rialto Center for the Arts,

This article originally appeared in out September 2014 issue.
