The Love List: Spring in my step

From Jess Graves, the voice behind <a href=""></a>

The peppering of new spots along the Eastside Trail has me itching to get outside.

0415_lovelist_bike_oneuseonlyI’m ready to hop on my new 1 Regal bicycle from MBikes—a company born in Midtown—and pedal to Ladybird Grove & Mess Hall’s screened porch. MBikes “The Regal,” $350,

0415_lovelist_cocktail_cck_oneuseonlyThere, I’ll sip on a refreshing bourbon 2 Lady Gambler, The Lady Gambler, $12, Ladybird Grove & Mess Hall, 684 John Wesley Dobbs Avenue,

0415_lovelist_frisbee_cck_oneuseonlythen head to the Historic Fourth Ward Skatepark for a game of 3 Frisbee. Frisbee, $7.93, Richards Variety Store, multiple locations,

0415_lovelist_dress_oneuseonlyFor the spring days spent strolling around Atlanta, admiring the new foliage and blooms, I’ll need a 4 breezy dress, Marissa Webb dress, $498, Intermix, now open at Buckhead Atlanta, intermix­

0415_lovelist_sandals_oneuseonlya good pair of 5 flat sandals, K. Jacques sandals, $255, Ann Mashburn, Westside Provisions District, ann­

0415_lovelist_bag_oneuseonlyand, of course, a 6 python cross-body bag. Presmer “Anne” bag, $585, by special order from W.Port, 3232 Roswell Road,

B46200_2910_w_precip_jkt 0007Blossoming right along with the azaleas is my anticipation for festival season. But since we all know by now that May’s Shaky Knees Festival usually coincides with a steady sheet of rain, planning ahead with a good 7 rain jacket Marmot PreCip rain jacket, $100, Half-Moon Outfitters, 1034 North Highland Avenue,

0415_lovelist_boots_cck_oneuseonlyand 8 boots wouldn’t be the worst investment. Hunter tall rain boot, $148, Winter Wren, 1004 Virginia Avenue,

0415_lovelist_flask_oneuseonlyNeither would a 9 needlepoint flask from Smathers & Branson—fear the beer line, readers. Smathers & Branson “Gaucho” flask, $65, Onward Reserve, 3072 Early Street,

0415_lovelist_bandanadog_cck_oneuseonlyMy retriever, Maggie, is sick of being cooped up as well, so I’m buying her a springy new 10 bandanna to parade down the mean streets of Buckhead. Maridadi Trading tie-dye bandanna, $20, maridadi­

0415_lovelist_sunscreen_oneuseonlyGiven enough springtime rays—donning 11 sunscreen, of course—I’m hoping my sallow skin will turn as golden as her fur. Kiehl’s “Super Fluid” sunscreen, $38, Lenox Square, 

All photographs courtesy of their company; drink, boots, dog, frisbee: Caroline C. Kilgore

This article originally appeared in our April 2015 issue.
