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Atlanta United Ultraboost x COPA

Hey Atlanta United fans, a limited edition Adidas sneaker drops Tuesday

United is one of seven MLS clubs participating in the MLS Ultraboost x COPA collaboration, which will launch September 13 at 11 a.m. online. The sneakers, designed to evoke Copa cleats with a leather upper, are mostly black with embroidered red stripes, a white sole, and plenty of ATLUTD symbols.
C.J. and Kelli Stewart L.E.A.D. shoes

Atlanta’s L.E.A.D. nonprofit gets its own Adidas shoes

When it was time to give a fresh take on the classic Adidas Forum shoe, L.E.A.D.’s youth ambassadors were all in. They embossed a map of Atlanta on the shoe’s heel overlay.
Atlanta United King's Kit Reveal Pop-up

Atlanta United reveals its new golden King’s Kit at a gilded downtown pop-up event

As "All Gold Everything" rapper Trinidad James walked the new kit down the runway at the official MLS reveal event in NYC, season ticker holders in Atlanta were treated to a smaller launch party that literally featured all gold everything.
Adidas Georgia shoe

Adidas made a limited edition Georgia shoe. (Yes, it’s a peach.)

Adidas is auctioning off this limited edition running shoe, part of a series that features one design for all 50 states.

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