Infographic of the Day: How liberal is Atlanta?
Politics can be a touchy subject in Atlanta, a city long known as a blue dot in a solidly red state. It can be so touchy that some people don’t even want to talk...
The world’s tiniest Walmart opens in Atlanta
Walmart made retail history today by opening its smallest store ever. While a tiny Walmart—the store near Georgia Tech's campus is around 2,500 square feet—seems like an oxymoron, don’t let the size fool you.
Metro Atlanta No. 19 for Hispanic population
The numbers crunchers at Pew have a new report—with nifty interactive maps—that analyzes the U.S. Hispanic population by state and metro area. In short, the project shows that although Hispanics still cluster in a few areas (nine percent of the nation’s Hispanic population is in the Los Angeles metro area, for example) over the past decade, Hispanics are moving to other parts of the country.
Our Place in the Universe: No. 1 for promiscuity
What's your number? It's probably around twenty-five. That's the average number of sexual partners for a run-of-the-mill Atlantan, according to a recent study by Trojan. This makes us the most promiscuous city in the country (based on a somewhat narrow definition of promiscuity).
Survey: Atlanta ranks No. 8 for good-looking people
In a recent reader survey by Travel + Leisure ranking America’s Most and Least Attractive People, our fairer than fair metro came in at No. 8.
Atlanta: Highest rate of income inequality in the U.S.
You don’t have to be a statistician or policy analyst to understand that there’s a huge gap between Atlanta’s haves and haves-not. Just walk down Edgewood Avenue on any given evening, where you will find one group of people sleeping on the sidewalks of the Downtown Connector underpass and another paying $20 for parking spots in an empty lot near a bar called Church.
Evidently Atlanta is the worst city for newspapers
In case you missed it—and you probably did, because as you’ll soon learn, Atlantans don’t read much news—Atlanta is the worst city in the country for newspaper readership.
Georgia flunks health care reporting
Georgia scored an "F" on its reporting of health care costs, according to a report released this week. We're one of 29 states that flunked on the health care price transparency report from the Catalyst for Payment Reform, a nonprofit group that works to improve how businesses and individuals pay for health care.
Once again, Atlanta is ranked No. 1 for income inequality
The richest Atlanta households earn almost 20 times more than the city’s poorest residents: $288,159 compared to $14,988.
Survey: Atlanta No. 22 global city brand
Well, Atlanta, be careful what you wish for. The endless touting of the ATL as a world-class city is paying off, with our town squeaking into the top 25 on a new Guardian study of global city brands. Barely.