Tag: Dynamic Dish
The chef who changed my relationship with food
Few chefs have had as big an influence on the way I eat as David Sweeney. His innovative Edgewood Avenue restaurant, Dynamic Dish, may have lasted a scant three years—from 2007 to 2010—but it earned a place in the city’s pantheon of meaningful dining experiences.
You should eat more turkey
There are health benefits to varying your poultry routine throughout the year. Turkey could almost be considered a superfood: It’s packed with protein, low in fat, and contains iron, vitamins B6 and B12, niacin, and zinc. But the market for turkey that’s not ground is slim after the holidays.
David Sweeney takes over the kitchen at the Red Barn Café in North Georgia
David Sweeney is a pop-up legend and wherever the former Dynamic Dish chef goes, his fans follow. But are his fans ready to follow him to North Georgia?
Dynamic Dish reopens, more changes planned
After being closed for five weeks of renovations, Dynamic Dish quietly reopened last weekend. Lord, did I miss how energized I feel after eating David Sweeney’s clean, market-driven cooking. Sweeney did much of the renovations himself, and the look isn’t radically different: The little booth where servers tabulated checks became a second restroom, and the bar looks swankier and has more seating—as befitting the alcoholic libations you’ll soon be able to sip there. Sweeney expects his liquor license to come through at the beginning of August.