What are you doing this weekend? May 15-18

Contagious laughs, strutting mutts, and Peachtree Street, minus the cars
Photograph by iStockphoto.com

By now know that in the spring, these blog posts are chock full of festivals. And this one is no exception. But if you’re suffering from festival fatigue, this pre-holiday weekend has a lot of quirky activities, from dogs on a catwalk, to a quest for the greatest laugh, to ballerinas causing a ruckus.

Doggies on the Catwalk
The fundraiser pairs celebrity (human) models and canine companions. Stick around for the “Bubbles and Bark” after-party in a hanger at the DeKalb-Peachtree Airport. Friday, 7 p.m. fashionado.net

Atlanta Streets Alive
At last, a traffic-less Atlanta! Three miles of Peachtree Street shuts down to cars and opens up to biking, walking, scootering, unicycling, and whatever other modes of alternate transportation you can think of. A bicycle parade kicks off the event. Sunday, 2 p.m. atlantastreetsalive.com

American Laughing Champions
No joke—contestants including the man with “the most contagious laugh in the world” and the “Montreal Maniac” face off to see who has the most glorious guffaw. At the Hotel Capitol Park. Saturday 8 p.m. ultimatelaughter.com

Kathy Yancey
Paint by Heart, the artist’s exhibition of mixed-media works, is featured in the gallery at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center. Friday hrough July 11. callanwolde.org

East Atlanta Beer Festival
Drink a pint or three at Brownwood Park and help raise funds for neighborhood causes. Saturday 1 p.m. eastatlantabeerfest.com

Kirkwood Spring Fling & Tour of Homes
The twelfth annual celebration of this eastside neighborhood offers up an art fair, a 5K, a barbeque cook-off, and live music. At Bessie Branham Park. Saturday, 10 a.m. kirkwoodfling.com

The Atlanta Ballet will ditch the tutus to perform “a no-holds-barred explosion of creativity that promises to catapult over the boundaries of contemporary dance,” at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre. Friday through Sunday. atlantaballet.com
