Top chefs help feed the hungry through cooking classes

The Atlanta Community Food Bank Simple Abundance classes are held monthly at the Cook’s Warehouse

For the last fifteen years, top chefs around Atlanta have been donating their time and money (in the form of ingredients) to help feed the hungry. See, the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB) has a partnership with the Cook’s Warehouse, and every month—sometimes multiple times a month—a chef is invited to lead a cooking demonstration, workshop, and/or tasting at one of the four Cook’s Warehouse locations around the city. Everyone is invited, and all proceeds benefit the ACFB.

“We really try to get chefs the public wants to see and interact with,” says Naretha Timberlake, who coordinates the Simple Abundance classes for the ACFB. “It’s great because it really allows for up close personal interaction between the public and the chef, and 100 percent of proceeds go to the Food Bank.”

Classes hold about thirty to forty people, depending on the topic and location and usually cost around $55. Past participants include Linton Hopkins, Natalie Dupri, Chris Hall, and Hugh Acheson.

“It’s a wonderful partnership to come together and feed a lot of people,” Timberlake says. “Every dollar donated to the Food Bank turns into $9 worth of grocery products that go out into the community.”

Billy Allin of Cakes & Ale is leading the next class on August 18 in Decatur. He’ll be cooking a menu of late summer salads, whole roasted fish with potatoes and root vegetables, and almond cake with sliced peaches. Wine will be served.

“We try to support charities and organizations that truly make a difference in people’s lives. A food bank is grassroots in its intentions,” Allin says. “We volunteered at a food bank when we lived at the Bay Area. They really do a good job. It’s not easy so we try to stick close and support them.”

Other upcoming Simple Abundance classes will be led by Kevin Rathbun (Rathbun’s) and Steve DiFilippo (Davio’s) at the Cook’s Warehouse in Midtown on September 8, and by Andrew Isabella (No. 246) at the Cook’s Warehouse in Decatur on September 14.

Click here for more information or to purchase tickets.
