Want Ton Ton wings and Kimball House crab cakes for dinner? FeedATL delivers multiple restaurant dishes for a single epic meal.

Jeremy Lynn and Nace Zipperman started the service in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

A meal featuring items from Lazy Betty, Kettle Black, and Three Peaches Gelato

Courtesy of Feed ATL

In March, after stay-at-home orders were issued, business consultant Jeremy Lynn and Wahoo! Grill bartender Nace Zipperman were lamenting their options. Lynn’s most recent contract had ended, and Zipperman was laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They started brainstorming.

“I saw how restaurants were struggling without dine-in,” Lynn says. “We wanted to help the local restaurant community and find a way for people to break up the monotony while in the comfort of their homes.”

After a few iterations, they came up with Feed ATL, a service that curates and delivers multi-course meals, including items from different restaurants.

“It’s like a walking food tour of Atlanta, brought home,” Lynn says.

Currently, there are 13 restaurants and seven pop-ups participating, including the White Bull, A Mano, the General Muir, Scout, Kamayan, Ton Ton, and Happy Seed. Menus are posted at feedatl.com, and customers must order by 7 p.m. the day prior to their delivery. Each meal feeds two people and while delivery is currently only available to houses inside the Perimeter, OTP diners can arrange for a intown pick-up spot.

“We’re giving customers a chance to support multiple businesses in one order, at a time when restaurant sales have fallen to the lowest level in [decades],” Lynn says.

Items from Poor Hendrix, A Mano, Kimball House, and Wahoo! Grill

Photo by Marcia Ash

He and Zipperman usually determine each menu’s theme and then approach their restaurant partners with requests based on the restaurants’ current offerings. Customer favorites, they say, include Ruby Chow’s crispy green beans, Cheshire Farms pork belly from AIX, and anything from Kimball House.

Customers pay $65-$75, depending on the menu. Lynn says Feed ATL pays retail price to restaurants, minus an occasional 5-10 percent discount.

“It benefits the restaurant because we do the marketing and delivery. At some places, we’ve spent $5,000. Some, like Full Commission, tell us we’ve been their biggest customer [during the pandemic],” Lynn says.

In its approximately four months in existence, Feed ATL had earned $35,000 in revenue and sells 10 to 25 orders on a typical night. It’s best seller, by far, has been the Kamayan pop-up menu, which garnered 50 orders.

“For pop-ups, we leave the menu up to the chefs because we want them to be able to showcase their food,” Lynn says.

Next, Feed ATL will introduce a cook-at-home series with videos of chefs making their favorite dishes, and ingredient deliveries to go along with it. Each participating restaurant will supply an (already prepared) appetizer and dessert.
